A World Bursting at the Seams: Why Zero-Waste Fashion Is Our Future
Though reducing, reusing, and recycling aren’t new concepts, the world lost its way with the arrival of the Industrial Revolution. Waste has become a growing issue that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot simply continue to ignore. Thankfully, the zero-waste movement has been gaining traction in recent years, with more people opting to live a sustainable life and adopt a more circular economy. The fashion world has also taken some crucial steps, highlighting the importance of zero-waste fashion and its impact on humanity. What Is Zero-Waste Fashion? Back in the day, textiles were a much more precious commodity, so our usage was more sustainable overall. With the advent of industrialized manufacturing, the fashion industry has become the third-largest polluter on our planet, alongside food and construction. Zero-waste fashion aims to change that through a variety of techniques that have extreme waste reduction as the main goal. Within it, we can identify two types of waste: p...